Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Biography

Hello my name is Tyler James D’Errico… with a Capital E. I was born on March 10 1993 on Long island. …. Yes Long island home of some of the best pizza and bagels around. As I reach my 20th birthday I am currently a sophomore at SUNY Oneonta and after 2 more years I will be entering in to the real world ready to start my career in the music industry. Before I got here I want to talk about my last 20 years of my life all 7,355 days

Day one,  I was born at 4:30am on at north shore LIJ during an intense snowstorm. My mom said when I was delivered I was born with spiky red hair

Day two, I was two days old, all ready to go home but I couldn’t due to the snowstorm I was stuck in the hospital with the other annoying crying babies watching fresh prince of bell air in the nursery.

Skipping a few years now, I want to talk about the three main Chapters of my life that molded me in to the fine gentlemen I am today.

Chapter 1 family
My 3 first words that came out of my mouth were… moma ……dad…lynz short for my sister Lyndsey. From that point on they meant everything to me. My mom came from a small Jewish family and grew up in Plainview where we live today and my father came from a large Italian family that grew up in Rockfull center. My sister is 2 years older then me and a senior at SUNY Plattsburg. Growing up I got the best of both worlds from ordering Chinese food and every Sunday with my mom side. To celebration a big Italian Christmas with my dad side. Besides all the holidays I celebrated and presents I got. My family supported my every step of the way. From my first day of school to teaching my how to drive a car.

Chapter 2 middle school  
From growing up in a Jewish town Mattlin Middle school was the best time to be a kid. My friends and I favorite time of the day was Lunch and Recess. When it came to lunch time we would all would gather around the table and talk about the latest’s south park episode and trade our food like we were buying and selling stocks. Then it was recess, I time where we played every sport I could imagine. The rest of middle school was torture, I was the type of kid who instead of do homework would watch TV or go bike riding with my friends. Well that did not work out in 7th and 8th grade I was getting poor grades and everyone was worried for me. Before I realized I had 3 more days till I start high school

Chapter 3 High School
It was like walking in to a Jungle. From crazy teachers and a lot weird people. This could have been the downfall of me but instead high school was the greatest 4 years of my life. Unlike middle school I was not I kid anymore I was a young adult who took on many responsibilities such as running track for 4 years and involved in many after school activities. In high school I started to look for employment to make money. After my first job as a camp counselor in 9th grade, I acquired many different jobs from working at a country club to working in a beer distributor. Besides having a great time from school or making money at work my parents were impressed due to the major improvements in my academics.

High School was not always smooth; due to our generations culture has a major impact on people such as drugs, Facebook, or even Justin bieber

 Thank god I was not big on the latest drama what on Facebook or what was the latest Justin bieber song. High school allowed me to find my own nitch who where people who appreciate cars and music. We didn’t really care much about other people’s opinion of us. Once I found my group the rest of high school was amazing from going to many concert and illegal street races. Even thought we almost had a few run it with the law it was all worth it in the end.

The 4 years of high school taught me many skills that made me able to move on to where I am today at SUNY Oneonta.

              To sum up my life goes like this

I was born, with spiky red hair
I had an amazing chilled hood
I dramatically changed, for the better
And her I am today almost turning 20

In words of Jeremy Clarkson,

Some say he is the happiest kid I know.
All I know him as


        After hearing my biography he is a break down of some of my interest I have both academic and non academic. Currently I am a music industry major hoping to get a job in the field in concert producing and marketing. I have a strong interest in those field those due to every since I saw my first rock concert witch was The Who from that point on I wanted to be the one traveling on the road with the band and setting up and promoting them along the way. Besides music I enjoy watching sport and paying them with my friends. My favorite is roller hockey.
       As a music industry major I am required to take Communication 100 as a general educations class. When hearing about the course requirement I found out that we are going to do a lot of public speaking and a debate. I hope to get out of this class is to improve on my speaking and to build up my confidence in speaking. I want to learn about how to execute them and what each side has to do to win the debate.
      When it comes to the public speech I would want to due it on how technology changes the music industry and technology is also destroying the industry.
      When it come to the debate I don’t know what topic to due it on due to I never did one. As a man who loved sports I like to win and when it comes to the debate I want to win and what ever I can do to win I want to be part of that side.

1 comment:

  1. Very well done. You seemed comfortable during your public speech. You maintained good eye contact and had excellent vocal volume, both very important when you are giving a speech. I liked how you organized your biography into chapters (family, middle school, high school, family). I liked how you used family and high school culture to talk about the broader contexts of your biography.
