October 14, 1962
• A U-2 flying over western Cuba discovers missile
sites. Photographs obtained by this flight provide hard evidence that Soviets
have missiles in Cuba.
October 15, 1962
• A readout team at the National Photographic
Intelligence Center reviews photos taken during the U-2 flight
• McGeorge Bundy decides after hearing about the
discovery of missiles in Cuba not to inform the president until the next day.
October 16, 1962
• Bundy breaks the new to Kennedy who calls for a
meeting of a group later to become know as EX-COMM.
• At that meeting Kennedy and his advisors discuss
possible diplomatic and military courses of action.
October 17, 1962
After another U-2 flight
on the night of the 17th, the military discoveres intermediate range (IRBMs)
SS-5 nuclear missiles.
Joint Chiefs of Staff
and especially the Air Force strongly argue for an air strike.
October 21, 1962
• General Maxwell Taylor tells Kennedy that an air
strike could not guarantee to destroy all Soviet missiles in Cuba.
• Another U-2 flight that day reveals bombers and
Migs being rapidly assembled and cruise missile sites being built on Cuba's
northern shore.
October 22, 1962
The President addresses
the nation in a televised speech, announcing the presence of offensive
missile sites in Cuba.
• U.S. military forces go to DEFCON 3.
• Kennedy decides on a quarantine of Cuba for the
time being.
October 23, 1962
• Kennedy orders six Crusader jets to fly a low
level reconnaissance mission.
• Kennedy receives a letter from Khrushchev in
which Khrushchev comments that there is a, "serious threat to peace and
security of peoples."
• President decides to give Khrushchev more time
and pulls the quarantine line back to 500 miles.
October 24, 1962
• Soviet ships en route to Cuba with questionable
cargo either slow down or reverse their course except for one.
Military forces go to DEFCON 2
the highest ever in U.S. history.
October 25, 1962
• Kennedy sends a letter to Khrushchev laying the
responsibility for the crisis on the Soviet Union
• B-52 bombers to
circle around Russia ready at any moment to drop bombs.
October 26, 1962
• During an EX-COMM meeting, Kennedy says that he
believes the quarantine alone can not force the Soviet government to remove
its offensive weapons from Cuba.
Khrushchev sends another letter
to Kennedy proposing removing his missiles from Turkey and if Kennedy would
publicly announce never to invade Cuba.
October 27, 1962
• An American U-2 is shot down over Cuba killing
the pilot, Major Rudolf Anderson.
• U-2 accidentally strays into Soviet airspace near
Alaska nearly being intercepted by Soviet fighters.
• Kennedy writes Khrushchev a letter stating that
he will make a statement that the U.S. will not invade Cuba if Khrushchev
removes the missiles from Cuba.
October 28, 1962
• Khrushchev announces over Radio Moscow that he
has agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba.
Range of SS4 Missiles in Cuba |
The time
period after WWII was called the Cold War. The world was divided into two
colors. Blue and Red. Blue was the color of democracy and red was the color of
communist and everything the United States did not believe in. The two major countries during the cold
war were the Soviet Union (Russia) and the United States of America. According
to a map these countries are worlds apart but during the cold war alliances
were made making the U.S.S.R only 90 miles away from the U.S.A. it was all made
possible by Cuba. Once a country where Americas vacation at now turn red and were
considered a threat due to the pack it made with the Soviet Union. The point
where the U2 Spy planes found SS4 missiles in Cuba it made it possible that a
Russian nuclear missile can hit any major US city at any given time. This is
when Geography was a major factor when it came to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
SS4 Missile |
The Cold War was not just
like any other war it was a schoolyard fight between two bullies. Those two
bullies were the two super powers of the 20th century. The Soviet
Union after WWII was afraid of the U.S.A on how strong they were with having
Nuclear weapons on their side. At this point the Russian started to bulk up in
strength and start to produce nuclear weapons. Lets back track for a second and
talk about nuclear weapons. If one SS4 missile from Cuba is launch and is
targeted at any major city in the U.S it has the destruction power to wipe out
the entire city in seconds. This equals to millions of people killed by one
SS4. At the same time we would launch a missile at Russia having the same
damage if not more. As a leader of the country JFK or Khrushchev is the one to give the order to attack and if
so he would be responsible of the death of millions of people. During the Missile
crisis both leaders would rely on the other leader to not make the first move
if so it would end in a nuclear war.
As the two
biggest super powers of the world money meant nothing to them. Both countries
during the Cold War both build up their defense system to be the biggest and
the best. After making a dozen nuclear weapons thinking they were unstoppable
they did not consider the consequences if the weapon is used in action. If one
would destroy a city like New York City, our economy would be destroyed and life
after would not be the same.
During the
missile crisis both economies were at risk, if we entered in to a nuclear war.
When JFK made his speech to the nation on October 22, the American people were
change ever since. The next day super markets were sold out of food people was
considering the possibility of a nuclear war. Bomb shelters were being created people
took this not as a warning but a possible situation that could happen at any
Political cartoon during the Cuban missile crisis |
The Cold War
defined my many people as a political war. The Korean War and the Vietnam War
were fought during the Cold War. Both wars were fought not face to face but the
United States fought them to stop the spread of communism and mainly to
stop the Soviet Union of gaining
the 13 days of the Cuban Missile Crisis it was a mini war fought by three
powerful political leaders. John F Kennedy of the United States, Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union and Fidel Castro of Cuba. Within
the 13 day it was a game of Texas hold ‘em between each leaders. When it came
to the Soviet Union and the U.S.A cards they were all in from the start and ready
to go to war at any moment. When JFK took office
he was the youngest president elected. Many countries did not think he could
keep up with the big boys like Russia and Cuba. When it came to the Cuban
Missile Crisis JFK showed to the world that he was not a kid and had balls when
it came to making the executive decision.
Actual picture taken from U-2 spy plane on October 14 1962
It all starts
when JFK found out that there were SS4 missiles in Cuba. When he found that out
he was thinking why would Khrushchev do that and what is his reason for it.
Could it be he is ready to attack us? Is he preparing for the future? All of
these options were running through his mind when he found out the news. When he
meets with his chief of staff on this crisis the intense 13 days starts. As his chiefs of staff are pushing for a strike plain he refuses and
waits. As in war waiting could be a dangerous decision due to they can be
attacked. They were in the 20th
century and JFK used that to his advantage and after keeping the missile crisis
a secret to the world until October 22 when he addresses the nation on the
situation in Cuba and how he orders a blockade of Cuba. He does this not for the
people of the nation but to show Khrushchev that he is
not scared and he is ready to play his game. Also to show that they are not
scared he orders his B-52 bombers to circle around Russia ready at any moment
to drop bombs.
Khrushchev is the leader of the Soviet Union. During the Cold war his goal was
to build up the USSR and to become the most powerful country. In the 60’s he
made a deal with Fidel Castro allowing him to have Soviet troops and Cuba along
with nuclear missile. He agrees and under American surveillance the Soviets were
able to send over 40,000 troops and a number of SS4 missile.
Fidel Castro
did not know what he was getting him self in to. With him agreeing to take
sides with Soviet Union Cuba became a major game player with the missile
crisis. When they found out that they had the weapons JFKs chiefs of staff
wanted to take immediate action. McNamara was pushing JKF to order a
strike. Kenndy ask LeMayon what we can do with Cuba he reply’s“ We will fry
them”. Cuba was now the main focus and could be in danger if an attack
When the Blockade was order, Khrushchev did not think that was true and he still had his ships and
Submarines heading towards Cuba they were given nuclear torpedoes and the
Submarines commanders were given full order to use it if needed. During the
blockade Soviet ships had a number of opportunity but before they did the were
order back to Russia.
The Ball was
now in Khrushchev court. On October 23 Khrushchev after
the close encounter in the pacific he sends a letting to Kennedy saying “there
is serious
threat to peace and security of peoples." In response to the letter on Oct
23 Kennedy sends a letter to Khrushchev laying the responsibility for the
crisis on the Soviet Union. This in now a war between Kennedy and Khrushchev. On Oct 26th
Khrushchev sends another letter to Kennedy now telling him to removing his
missiles from Turkey and if Kennedy would publicly announce never to invade
Site of the Major Rudolf Andersonis plane that was shot down in Cuba |
October 27 also know as Black Saturday it
all starts out by JFK meeting with his chiefs of staff arguing over how do we
respond to his letter. As most of them are pushing for an attack, JFK is the
only one thinking of his offer and putting it to consideration. As they are
arguing they get a report on U-2 accidentally strays into Soviet airspace wile
collecting data on the atmosphere near Alaska. Wile in Soviet airspace he is nearly
being intercepted by Soviet MIG - 21 fighters. After a close encounter the
tension is tense and each side is feared on who will make the first shot.
Soviet forces on Cuba were order to fear for an American attack. An American
U-2 making a flight over Cuba during this tense day they were given an order to
shot down the plane. Major Rudolf Andersonis was shot down over Cuba. Khrushchev
was nervous due to he had nothing to do with what happen and he did not give
the order to shoot it down. JFK was being push and push to strike now but he was
Commander and chief he stood down and waited. After Cuba is ready to be attack
and the U.S.A military is ready to attack JFK stands down. As the night of Oct
27 falls Kennedy writes Khrushchev
a letter stating that he will make a statement that the U.S. will not invade
Cuba and they will remove there missiles from Turkey if Khrushchev removes the
missiles from Cuba.
News headlines across the nation showing the crisis was over |
On Sunday October 28 1962, Khrushchev announces over Radio Moscow that
he has agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba.
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